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March 16, 2011

After the earthquake in Japan

As you have already known, there were terrible earthquakes in north-east area of Japan. Although I am living in Tokyo, I felt terrifying swings and bumpings. Books scattered, desks and bookshelfs were moved a few inches from its original places and lots of my favorite tea cups and glasses were broken. It was frightening experience but I survived.

I have many crystals in my room but almost all of them were miraculously safe without any damage. My tools for divination were also secured. As my room is still not in good order, I am starting my work again now.

And as one of the Japanese experiencing this terrible earthquake, I would like to say thank you to the people from other countries for giving aid and support to Japan. Thank you.

yukari_shino at 00:02|Permalink このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加
蒼月紫野(あおつき しの)
単行本「12の石の精霊たち パワーストーンとの暮らし方」好評発売中!
日本ジュエリーカウンセラー協会認定の守護石鑑定士です。 ドルフィン・スター・テンプル・ミステリースクールのFSP1〜4修了。カリフォルニア州認定ヒーラー、 カリフォルニア州認定ミニスター(神官、Minister)。
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水晶球占い師の蒼月紫野です。I am a Crystal Gazer. 電子書籍発売中。RT多め。好き→紅茶/お香/鉱物/夜空/ゲーム/神社仏閣/猫/鳥/三国志/チェス/将棋/サクラ大戦/刀剣乱舞/文具/手帳/刀/TRPG/アニメ/漫画/小説/星矢/ジョジョ/鬼滅/キン肉マン/etc。★リンク先もお読み下さい。